Un salto verso l’Europa!

Progetto Erasmus+ Ka122 - SCH - C58D2B8E - Short tearm projeets for mobility of learners and staff in school education.


Il progetto nasce dall’esigenza di internazionalizzare la scuola aprendosi a una dimensione europea per favorire scampi e cooperazioni con altri paesi. Un salto verso l’Europa mira al raggiungimento di una formazione di qualità, innovativa, inclusiva e sostenibile. Attraverso il progetto la scuola si prefigge di:

  1. Innalzare le competenze linguistiche per entrare in contatto e progettare con partener europei, creare network per lo scambio di buone pratiche;
  2. Innalzare il livello di inclusività, attivare metodologie didattiche che suscitino interesse negli alunni;
  3. Migliorare la sostenibilità operando all’interno dell’Agenda 2030 per un approccio multilaterale del tema, per rendere la scuola e le pratiche di insegnamento più sostenibili;
  4. Insegnare ed apprendere con le opportunità offerte dalla tecnologia per una didattica più digitale.


  1. PRAGA


Periodo: novembre 2023

Partecipanti: 5

Course overview

Sustainability is a topic that grows in importance for our future and goes far beyond what most of us first imagine while hearing about it. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development created by the United Nations sets 17 sustainable development goals and provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. In this course, participants will have a chance to explore sustainability from different points of view and develop strategies on how to raise the awareness of the students, encourage them to take action, and develop personal responsibility. As one of the sustainable goals aims on education with ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, participants will also have a chance to practice and plan on how to implement sustainability directly in their work.

Course Methodology

Course content and fundamental information will be introduced through thematic modules that target different issues of sustainability. It is based on practical demonstrations, hands-on approach, interactive experiential exercises, and active participation within a group consisting of international participants with similar interests and needs. The emphasis will be on preparing participants to implement sustainability in their work and encouraging and facilitating it in student actions.


Job Shadowing

Partecipanti: 6

C.P.R. Campo de Nijar Norte

Periodo: marzo 2024



Periodo: marzo 2024

Partecipanti: 6

Course overview

Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education can significantly contribute to a good quality of education and its effectiveness. This course is for teachers of all subjects, who desire to increase their proficiency in using technology in the classroom. Learn to use open educational resources, gain new skills, create a sample lesson and gain awareness of possible downsides of ICT in education and to avoid them.

Course Methodology

Each module covers a different aspect of using ICT in education. Coursework will incorporate your existing knowledge and experience and provide a helpful learning environment with a good mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. Demonstration and interaction with the ICT in a hands-on way in international group setting will show the importance of collaboration and shared experience in using ICT in education.


Job Shadowing

Periodo: aprile 2024

Partecipanti: 7

Escola Castell de Dosrius



Periodo: aprile 2024

Partecipanti: 4

Course overview

No one is special and yet everyone is. Our course is dealing with delicate topics of the 21st century. Fortunately, our society got rid of most prejudices from the past, so we can face this – in reality non-existing – issues better.
Come and learn how to make feel every one of your students welcome to the classroom. No differentiation because we all share the same Sun.

Course Methodology

For your comfort we divided our course in 10 modules. One linked to another. Inspired by the best and newest theories our teachers will share their knowledge with you. You will learn the difference between the integration and the inclusion, all about the risks and barriers. Also, how to manage conflict in your classroom and much more.

